Most of my artwork is associated with some kind of Flickr group, lately, so I haven't been posting much of it here. Naughty me.
.....And I've become an admin on one of the groups, Artful Ideas, along with my friend, bowlingbelle, so I have to pay attention to that one and help take care of things.
.....And I have a new part-time job which will claim about 20 hours per week.
But here are a couple of pieces (postcards, both) that I've done for the Collage Play with Crowabout group recently. They are so much fun because we have to use the images we are given. Just copy and print them from the group site. As you can see, sometimes they turn out pretty crazy - but are a great, weekly challenge.
(Not A Mountain: Did you get that? Just scissors and glue, Baybay!)

Thanks for stopping in.