Thursday, October 29, 2009

Fowl Play

That's the theme at The Three Muses. Aren't they funny?

Here is my postcard.

'Zeigfeld Fowlies'

(tee hee hee)

Saturday, October 24, 2009

"Long Ago and Far Away"

That's the theme at the 3 muses this week.

Here is my postcard.

Bill Shakespeare

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Here's another challenge...

This one is digital. The theme is "hair".

'The Haircut'

I wore my hair very long for most of my life. It was kind of a trademark of mine.

I remember how scary it was the first time I had it cut very short. I went straight from the lengthy tresses - to a "pixie-do". The scissors seemed HUGE. I can even recall the sound!

Needless to say, I survived, and am letting my long hair grow back. It feels more like me.

The beautiful image of the lady is from a painting by E. Delacroix circa 1825.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Found Something "Interesting"

I've been working behind the scenes to improve my digital art skills. and have found something that really gives me a workout.

Make It Interesting is a Flickr pool.
Members post photos and the challenge is for others
to digitally "mess with it"
and make it more interesting.
What a great exercise in trying out techniques and styles.
My postcard entitled:
Angel on the Stair

The original.

My postcard entitled:
Home Invasion

The original.

Now, if that's not fun, I don't know what is.

Friday, October 2, 2009

What IS Zetti?

I get asked this a lot, as do others who attempt to "do" Zetti.
And I say 'attempt' because so many of us struggle to "get it".
No one seems to be able to put it into words, exactly, myself included.
It seems to be a state of mind. Sometimes I can get there and sometimes I can't.

What I do know (I think):
  • There are often pointy hats, stripey legs and strange faces with mismatched eys.
  • There are lots of black and white stripes in borders and other places.
  • Backgrounds are usually painted and textured.
  • It IS collage work, usually, along with hand drawn and stamped images and backgrounds ... sometimes.
  • Clown noses appear pretty frequently and bodies and heads are usually very mismatched.
  • Magazine cut outs are commonly used along with other kinds of materials.

    So..... Does that help? No. I thought not.

    Teesha Moore is the person who "invented" as an art form/style, and you can see some of her work Here. She's the queen.
    There is a Flickr Group called Zettiology, and I've installed our hot-button in the sidebar to your right. It looks like this.
It was created by the group admin, Jade Adams, a true Zetti guru.
You can go there and see what others of us are doing with varying degrees of success.
Oh, and thanks for asking.