Thanks for stopping in.
(tee hee hee)
I wore my hair very long for most of my life. It was kind of a trademark of mine.
I remember how scary it was the first time I had it cut very short. I went straight from the lengthy tresses - to a "pixie-do". The scissors seemed HUGE. I can even recall the sound!
Needless to say, I survived, and am letting my long hair grow back. It feels more like me.
The beautiful image of the lady is from a painting by E. Delacroix circa 1825.
The original.
My postcard entitled:
Home Invasion
He really was a balloonist (See Below)
New York Times Article
"SANTOS-DUMONT'S ESCAPE; His Balloon Burst, but He Got Off Without a Scratch August 9, 1901, Wednesday
PARIS, Aug. 9. -- M. Santos-Dumont, the aeronaut, had a narrow escape from death yesterday morning. His balloon burst and fell with tremendous speed. Had it not been that the framework caught in the coping of a building, the plucky Franco-Brazilian would almost certainly have been killed. As it was he was unhurt."
Here is a lovely rendition of it for you - with moon photos!
It just needed some chickens, don't you think?
Now, that's more like it!
I know. It's pretty crazy.
My sister and her husband have never had children. Nearly 5 years ago they applied to adopt a child from China. I don't know why the adoption process slowed so drastically in recent years, but the waiting has been excruciating, especially since they were approved right away. Add that to the years they spent hoping to conceive a child of their own, and it's been decades of waiting for them, as they are now into their 50's.
This piece was inspired by and entered into the Saturday Surprise "shapes" challenge.
Go there to see more!